

A few words on practicing  

Posted by Guitar Player in

When practicing, I prefer to have a more balanced view. Some people say, practice what you're good at. Other say, practice what you can't do very well. I tried both. I tried practicing what I was good at. Then I got this false impression that I was very good. I rocked on some sides, but was a disaster on other sides. Then I tried just practicing all the things I couldn't do very well. I got a sense of frustration, like I had no idea how to play. The best approach in my view is to combine them. Here's a little example on what to practice:

1) Stretching and warming up
2) Practice some simple chords
3) Play a little riff that you like
3) Practice some scales (the ones you use most often)
4) Practice some more adavanced chords
5) Try to work on your song (I sugges you do work on some songs, to work out your creativity)
6) Practice some songs you like, some more riffs, even solos if possible
7) Practice even more scales, chords, etc

This is an example. If you plan to play guitar just as a hobby, 15-30 mins of practice / day could suffice. If you play in a band, or plan to play at a professional level, 3-5 hours/ day (including band practice) can do the trick.

If you have any suggestions, leave a comment. Cya next time!


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