While working
Posted by Guitar Player
While I'm working at the new material I'll give you a few tips. These are related to music overall. No matter how simple this sounds, try it. Always listen to new music. I know it's nice to keep listening over and over to those favorite songs, but that way you'll never learn anything new. Keep getting new music, new bands, new albums.
You'll see that after some time, you start hearing music differently. At the beginning, you saw it as ... well, music. After some time, you start to break it down while listening. You start to hear each instrument individually. You start to feel the notes, where they fit in, etc. You start guessing where the chord progessions go, etc.
If you are a beginner, you don't understand what I'm saying. And it's comlpetely normal. If you are playing music for some time you know what I mean.
Check out iTunes for new songs, check out your local music shop, etc. While listening to new music you add to your library of favorite songs, and you hear new ways of doing certain chords, you find new ways of doing a solo.
To put it simply, you learn so much!
The truth is that while you lern guitar, or any other instrument, in the beginning, it may be a little frustrating. And that's normal. You hear all those great solos and you have abosolutely no idea how to do them. If you visit this blog on a regular basis, good for you! You're a step ahead of everyone else. I might post stuff here faster or slower than you progress, but don't worry. You can always check out the archives.
Before I close the post, I want to say one more thing.
I encourage you to post your progress on comments. If you learn to do a chord that I posted, go ahead and say it!
You have a problem with a chord? Maybe a scale? Put a comment and me or other people visiting will do our best to answer your questions.