Posted by Guitar Player in stretching chord music fun guitar playing rock n roll
Soon, you will learn your first chord. Before we do so, we need to learn how to do a few stretches. It only takes about 5 minutes, good to do borefore you have a gig, before you play with your friends or before you want to do your daily exercise routine (wich can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours, depending on what skill level you want to reach). It's important to do a stretch in order to avoid any accidents that could happen during your play. Chill. It only takes a few mins and it will make you a better player also.
It's simple basically. Start streching your arms, your wrists, upper body, shoulders, just do circular motions, unwind your fingers (don't snap them. they will get weakened with time), etc. This will get more blood in those areas of the body. After you do this, get your guitar and start doing some fingering exercises. Do 1-2-3-4 on every string, etc. Even do some scales or chords if you know any.
Do this and you'll be ready to rock in no time!